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The Life of God in the Church

If you wish to benefit from any of these sacraments, please contact Father Gregory here.


Eucharist / Liturgy

The central service of the Orthodox Christian Church and the event where we receive the Body and Blood of Christ.


Baptism / Chrismation

At St Aidan's we take care to prepare people properly for these sacraments.  We do expect people to know the basics of Christianity.



What sort of questions should I ask of myself when preparing for Confession both privately and before a priest?



Anointing with the holy healing oils and prayer is a vital addition to professional medical care.  What is the healing ministry of the Church?

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Holy Orders

A vocation to serve as a deacon, priest or bishop is to serve both God and the people.  In this way the service of all is made possible.



Christian marriage is both a glorious crown and a noble. martyrdom of love.  Explore how we prepare couples here.


Christian Burial

Funeral services in Orthodoxy focus on the departed and we insist on Christian burial.  Read here about wills, funerals and burial.


What are Sacraments?

What are sacraments?  Why do we need them? Are there just seven ... or more? How do they become a blessing for us and creation?  |  Tel: 07780 970884

St Aidan's Orthodox Church,  Henderson Street, Levenshulme, Manchester M19 2JX  ​

 Saturday Great Vespers at 5.00 pm;

Sunday Matins at 9.00 am;

Sunday Divine Liturgy at 10.15 am.

Other services as announced.

 Served by St Theodore Ecclesiastical Trust, Registered Charity Number 1029085

SAFEGUARDING - this parish implements its Archdiocesan Safeguarding policy here.

All Rights Reserved © 2025  St Aidan's Orthodox Church:  COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS AND PRIVACY POLICY

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